
Mastering Architectural Photographs So They Look Amazing

Mastering Architectural Photographs So They Look Amazing and Show Off Your Place of Business

Let’s take a quick look at how we can turn an ordinary image of a historic building and make it pop. This first image show a photography straight out of the camera. It was a cloudy day, and the image is quite dreary. Notice how the perspective of the image makes the light posts look crooked. This is typical for many unedited photographs.

The next image is the final mastered image. Now we can see the details of the beautiful structure and we made some modest edits that make the image more appealing to the viewer. This can be part of a branding photography package where the photographer features the building, the products and services, and the people (headshots). This provides an image library for the client that they can use on the company website and on social media channels.

Want to know more about this process? Here is a short video describing some of the techniques I used.

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